As the ‘final offensive’ to retake the western half of the city begins, the underground networks of ISIS continue to attack in the ‘liberated’ eastern half.
The Daily Beast: The Terrifying ISIS Sleeper Cells of Mosul

As the ‘final offensive’ to retake the western half of the city begins, the underground networks of ISIS continue to attack in the ‘liberated’ eastern half.
In the ruins of the Old City, residents who escape increasingly desperate militants are then faced with Iraqi troops suspicious of suicide […]
Vor der Haustür wütete der “Islamische Staat”. Drinnen schrieb die Zahnmedizinstudentin Hadeel einen verbotenen Roman.
Overwhelmed doctors are prematurely releasing patients at risk of amputation or, worse, death.
For two years, Iraq’s mass protest movement has been plagued by unsolved murders. As October’s election nears, they are making common cause […]