With fighting still ongoing on the other side of the river, some semblance of normality is slowly returning to eastern Mosul.
The Daily Telegraph: The children of Mosul go back to school as Isil is pushed out of Iraq’s second city

With fighting still ongoing on the other side of the river, some semblance of normality is slowly returning to eastern Mosul.
Months of battling ISIL in the Yazidi city has turned these fresh-face recruits into hardened warriors.
The battle to retake Mosul from the so-called Islamic State is far from over. But the liberated zones feel very liberated indeed.
The battle with ISIL for the university had been a harsh lesson for Iraqi troops and although it was won, the war […]
Bitter cold, few comforts, civilians that give their position away and no end in sight for the Ukrainian soldiers pitched against separatists […]