With fighting still ongoing on the other side of the river, some semblance of normality is slowly returning to eastern Mosul.
The Daily Telegraph: The children of Mosul go back to school as Isil is pushed out of Iraq’s second city

With fighting still ongoing on the other side of the river, some semblance of normality is slowly returning to eastern Mosul.
The mosque contained what Muslims and Christians believe was the tomb of Jonah. It also held a shrine said to have contained […]
Gangs of destitute Iraqis pick through dump outside Erbil as the city, once a beacon of prosperity, struggles with economic and refugee […]
The site of the ancient city of Nimrud was destroyed and plundered by ISIS, just one of the region’s archeological treasures to […]
Eventually the stench of death was too much even for ISIS. They covered it, mined it. The Iraqi government won’t touch it. […]