A Mosul hotel is a meeting place that underlines changes thought unthinkable months ago.
The National: Mosul: – Where ISIL once thrived, beer, bingo and raki now prevail

A Mosul hotel is a meeting place that underlines changes thought unthinkable months ago.
The mosque contained what Muslims and Christians believe was the tomb of Jonah. It also held a shrine said to have contained […]
Der “Islamische Staat” zerstörte die Universität von Mossul, die zweitgrößte des Irak. Dozenten und Studenten machten trotzdem weiter – im Exil. Jetzt […]
Gangs of destitute Iraqis pick through dump outside Erbil as the city, once a beacon of prosperity, struggles with economic and refugee […]
Plagued by conflict, injury and loss, the enclave’s youth are its silent victims.