The site of the ancient city of Nimrud was destroyed and plundered by ISIS, just one of the region’s archeological treasures to fall victim to the terror group.
The site of the ancient city of Nimrud was destroyed and plundered by ISIS, just one of the region’s archeological treasures to fall victim to the terror group.
The plight of the Yazidis brought the United States back into the Iraq War when Obama moved to save them on Mount […]
While neighbouring Kurds make headlines, tensions simmer quietly in Iran as an exiled Kurdish group seeks to capitalise on growing discontent.
For two years, Iraq’s mass protest movement has been plagued by unsolved murders. As October’s election nears, they are making common cause […]
Der “Islamische Staat” zerstörte die Universität von Mossul, die zweitgrößte des Irak. Dozenten und Studenten machten trotzdem weiter – im Exil. Jetzt […]