In der philippinischen Stadt Marawi kämpft die Armee gegen islamistische Rebellen. Auf dem angrenzenden Campus geht der Uni-Betrieb weiter – an den Lärm der Flugzeuge und Bomben haben sich die Studenten gewöhnt.
Yearly Archives: 2017
The crackdown on drugs is a hallmark of President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration. But as the death tolls mounts, many Filipinos are speaking out – including the Catholic Church, one of the country’s most powerful institutions.
An ISIS offshoot spreads terror in the Philippines by taking over the city of Marawi on the island of Mindanao in 2017. As the military tries to retake the city, a deadly siege ensues.
After the terror of ISIS, returning home is still a distant prospect for thousands of Yazidis. Now they have become pawns as Baghdad and Erbil bicker over their homeland of Sinjar.
Der “Islamische Staat” zerstörte die Universität von Mossul, die zweitgrößte des Irak. Dozenten und Studenten machten trotzdem weiter – im Exil. Jetzt wollen sie zurückkehren.
Iraqi prime minister Haider Al Abadi declared the city of Mosul liberated in July 2017. But that diesn’t mean life has returned to normal for its residents — or for the men who fought to reclaim it from ISIL.
As the Iraqi military slowly pushes into the heart of Mosul, suspected ISIS fighters are summarily executed.
Yazidis join Shiite militias as they flush out ISIL militants from the village of Kocho in southern Sinjar.
In the ruins of the Old City, residents who escape increasingly desperate militants are then faced with Iraqi troops suspicious of suicide bombers.
The plight of the Yazidis brought the United States back into the Iraq War when Obama moved to save them on Mount Sinjar. But three years on, they’ve got little hope of going home.
With their backs to the wall, ISIS fighters in the city of Mosul are using poison gas to try and hold off Iraqi forces.
The battle to retake Mosul from the so-called Islamic State is far from over. But the liberated zones feel very liberated indeed.
And estimated 400,000 civilians remained in the ancient city centre as Iraqi forces closed in on ISIS in Mosul. Human shields in the hands of a brutal terror group.
As the elite Iraqi forces drive into the ISIS-controlled metropolis, making headlines, their flanks are increasingly exposed.
Iraqi troops make heavy weather of retaking villages en route to first major objective of the campaign to liberate Mosul from ISIS.
As Iraqi forces push into ISIS-held Mosul, desperate civilians are on the run from snipers, booby traps and suicide bombers.
ISIS used a sinkhole outside Mosul to dispose of its victims, a place already used by Saddam Hussein to make people disappear.
As the ‘final offensive’ to retake the western half of the city begins, the underground networks of ISIS continue to attack in the ‘liberated’ eastern half.
With fighting still ongoing on the other side of the river, some semblance of normality is slowly returning to eastern Mosul.
The battle with ISIL for the university had been a harsh lesson for Iraqi troops and although it was won, the war in nearby neighbourhoods continued.
When an elderly man bursts into tears after realising that ISIL’s reign of terror has come to an end in his neighbourhood, one soldier walks up to embrace him, while another offers him a cigarette.
The mosque contained what Muslims and Christians believe was the tomb of Jonah. It also held a shrine said to have contained a tooth from the whale that, according to Islamic, Christian and Jewish scripture, carried Jonah inside it for three days.