And estimated 400,000 civilians remained in the ancient city centre as Iraqi forces closed in on ISIS in Mosul. Human shields in the hands of a brutal terror group.
The Daily Beast: Mosul Has Become History’s Greatest Hostage Crisis

And estimated 400,000 civilians remained in the ancient city centre as Iraqi forces closed in on ISIS in Mosul. Human shields in the hands of a brutal terror group.
With thousands of displaced families in Fallujah escaping the horrors of ISIL, the Kurdish town of Shaqlawa has seen its population swell […]
The Kurds and the Shiite units have proven ISIL’s most effective opponents, but in Jalawla, the differences between the reluctant brothers in […]
When an elderly man bursts into tears after realising that ISIL’s reign of terror has come to an end in his neighbourhood, […]
With fighting still ongoing on the other side of the river, some semblance of normality is slowly returning to eastern Mosul.