Kurdish militias keep ISIS at bay on the plains of northern Syria. They will become a key US ally in the fight against the terror group.
The National: Syrian Kurds have ISIL ‘capital’ in their sights

Kurdish militias keep ISIS at bay on the plains of northern Syria. They will become a key US ally in the fight against the terror group.
Vor der Haustür wütete der “Islamische Staat”. Drinnen schrieb die Zahnmedizinstudentin Hadeel einen verbotenen Roman.
Attacks on Sinjar highlight dangers posed by group’s homemade gas-filled weapons with Kurdish fighters ill-equipped to protect themselves.
As Iraqi forces in Mosul engage in some of the fiercest fighting yet against ISIL, Florian Neuhof takes a look at life […]
With Turkey enforcing an economic blockade on Kurdish-controlled areas neighbouring the extremists’ stronghold, residents have little choice but to cross over into […]