Vor der Haustür wütete der “Islamische Staat”. Drinnen schrieb die Zahnmedizinstudentin Hadeel einen verbotenen Roman.
Vor der Haustür wütete der “Islamische Staat”. Drinnen schrieb die Zahnmedizinstudentin Hadeel einen verbotenen Roman.
In the bloody battle for Fallujah, ISIS is expelled from the city, the first major reversal for the terror group in Iraq.
As Iraqi forces push into ISIS-held Mosul, desperate civilians are on the run from snipers, booby traps and suicide bombers.
Months of battling ISIL in the Yazidi city has turned these fresh-face recruits into hardened warriors.
A Mosul hotel is a meeting place that underlines changes thought unthinkable months ago.